Apple Iphone 11 detailed features,specifications and price

Apple Iphone 11


In the steadily developing scene of cell phones, Apple’s iPhone 11 stands as a demonstration of advancement, plan ability, and state of the art innovation. Delivered in September 2019, this gadget has not simply turned into a piece of the tech general outlook however has scratched itself as an image of greatness. We should set out on an excursion through the unpredictable highlights that make the iPhone 11 a champion in the jam-packed domain of cell phones.

An Orchestra of Plan and Strength:
The iPhone 11 is a show-stopper of present day plan, wedding style with toughness. Created from aviation grade aluminum and glass, it oozes a superior vibe that supplements its hearty form. The variety of enamoring colors — from the smooth Dark to the dynamic Green — adds an individual touch, making it something beyond a gadget however an expansion of one’s style.

Visual Brightness with Fluid Retina HD:
At the core of the iPhone 11 is its 6.1-inch Fluid Retina HD show, a material that rejuvenates each picture and video. With a goal of 1792 x 828 pixels, Genuine Tone innovation, and a remarkable variety range, the presentation guarantees a visual dining experience. Whether you’re streaming a film, altering photographs, or gaming, the showcase offers lucidity and liveliness.

A13 Bionic Chip: The Force to be reckoned with Inside:
Controlling the iPhone 11 is the impressive A13 Bionic chip, a wonder of semiconductor designing. With its third-age Brain Motor, the gadget conveys unmatched execution. From consistent performing various tasks to control hungry applications like gaming and expanded reality, the iPhone 11 handles everything with artfulness, making each connection smooth and responsive.

Photography Reclassified: Double Camera Framework:
The iPhone 11’s camera framework is a demonstration of Apple’s obligation to pushing the limits of versatile photography. The double 12MP Super Wide and Wide cameras on the back catch staggering pictures with mind boggling subtlety. Night mode raises low-light photography, while Profound Combination innovation guarantees freshness in each shot. The 4K video recording capacities, joined with slow-movement and time-pass highlights, transform each client into a narrator.

Security Past Lines: Face ID:
Getting your gadget has never been more easy and secure. The iPhone 11 elements Face ID, Apple’s facial acknowledgment innovation. With a look, clients can open their telephones, confirm applications, and make secure installments. It’s not only an element; it’s a demonstration of Apple’s obligation to client protection and security.

iOS Environment: A Consistent Encounter:
Running on iOS, the iPhone 11 gives a consistent and natural client experience. Clients approach the immense Application Store, offering a large number of applications intended to improve efficiency, imagination, and diversion. With normal updates and the capacity to move up to the most recent iOS forms, the iPhone 11 remaining parts at the cutting edge of innovative headways.

Perseverance and Availability:
The iPhone 11 doesn’t simply perform well; it endures. The implicit battery-powered lithium-particle battery presents to 17 hours of video playback, guaranteeing that the gadget stays aware of your dynamic way of life. Also, with help for remote charging and quick charging, remaining associated has never been more advantageous.

Future-Prepared: U1 Chip and Then some:
Furnished with the U1 chip for Super Wideband (UWB) innovation, the iPhone 11 is future-prepared. This innovation makes the way for another range of potential outcomes, from consistent gadget network to spatial mindfulness applications. It’s not only a cell phone; it’s a brief look into the fate of innovation.

Specifications of Iphone 11:

All in all, the iPhone 11 isn’t simply a cell phone; a show-stopper joins plan, execution, and development. As we explore the steadily extending scene of innovation, the iPhone 11 stands tall, a signal of what is conceivable when structure and capability meet up amicably. It’s not only a gadget; it’s an encounter — one that keeps on reclassifying our assumptions for what a cell phone can accomplish.


6.1-inch Fluid Retina HD show.
Goal of 1792 x 828 pixels.
Genuine Tone innovation for more normal survey.


Strong aviation level aluminum and glass development.
Accessible in different tones, including Dark, Green, Yellow, Purple, White, and Product(RED).


Fueled by the A13 Bionic chip with third-age Brain Motor.
Upgraded execution for gaming, expanded reality, and in general speed.

Camera Framework:

Double 12MP Super Wide and Wide cameras on the back.
Night mode for worked on low-light photography.
Profound Combination innovation for itemized photographs.
4K video recording at 60fps and slo-mo video.
12MP front camera with 4K video recording and slow-movement abilities.

Battery Duration:

Inherent battery-powered lithium-particle battery.
Upholds remote charging and quick charging.
As long as 17 hours of video playback.

Face ID:

High level facial acknowledgment innovation for secure verification.

Sent off with iOS 13, upgradable to the most recent iOS renditions.
Admittance to the Application Store with a great many applications.

Water and Residue Obstruction:

Evaluated IP68 for water and residue obstruction.


Double SIM (Nano-SIM and eSIM).
Gigabit-class LTE and Wi-Fi 6 for quick availability.

Capacity Choices:

Accessible in different capacity limits, including 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB.


Different Highlights:

Spatial sound for a vivid sound encounter.
Double sound system speakers for top notch sound.
U1 chip for Super Wideband (UWB) innovation.
The iPhone 11, with its strong elements and capacities, stays a well known and solid decision for clients looking for a premium cell phone insight.

Features of Iphone 11:

In the domain of cell phones, the iPhone 11 arises as a mechanical wonder, consistently mixing state of the art highlights with smooth plan. We should disentangle the unpredictable details that make the iPhone 11 a champion in the steadily developing universe of cell phones.

1. Show:
The iPhone 11 flaunts a 6.1-inch Fluid Retina HD show, offering a goal of 1792 x 828 pixels. This edge-to-edge show gives an enrapturing visual encounter, exhibiting energetic varieties, sharp subtleties, and Genuine Tone innovation for ideal review in different lighting conditions.

2. Plan and Fabricate:
Made with accuracy, the iPhone 11 elements a strong aviation level aluminum and glass development. It arrives in a variety of striking tones, including Dark, Green, Yellow, Purple, White, and Product(RED), permitting clients to communicate their style while partaking in a gadget intended for solidness and tastefulness.

3. Execution:
At its center lies the strong A13 Bionic chip with a third-age Brain Motor. This chip upgrades generally speaking execution as well as empowers progressed capacities, for example, expanded reality and AI. The iPhone 11 easily handles performing multiple tasks, requesting applications, and illustrations serious errands with unmatched effectiveness.

4. Camera Framework:
The double camera framework on the iPhone 11 is a distinct advantage for portable photography. It contains a 12MP Super Wide camera and a 12MP Wide camera. The Night mode guarantees shocking low-light photography, while Profound Combination innovation acquires out complex subtleties each shot. The gadget upholds 4K video recording at 60fps, slow-movement video, and a large group of imaginative photography highlights.

5. Front Camera:
On the front, the 12MP TrueDepth camera empowers Face ID for secure verification. This front camera additionally upholds 4K video recording, slo-mo video, and highlights like Representation mode for striking selfies.

6. Battery Duration:
The iPhone 11 houses an inherent battery-powered lithium-particle battery, giving great battery duration. Clients can appreciate as long as 17 hours of video playback on a solitary charge. The gadget upholds quick charging and remote charging, offering adaptability and accommodation in fueling up.

7. Working Framework:
Out of the crate, the iPhone 11 sudden spikes in demand for iOS 13, guaranteeing an easy to use and get insight. With customary updates and the capacity to move up to the most recent iOS adaptations, clients benefit from the most recent highlights, security improvements, and enhancements to the general framework.

8. Water and Residue Opposition:
With an IP68 rating, the iPhone 11 is intended to oppose water and residue. This element adds an additional layer of toughness, giving true serenity to clients in different conditions.

9. Network:
The gadget upholds double SIM usefulness with a Nano-SIM and eSIM. It additionally includes Gigabit-class LTE and Wi-Fi 6 for quick and solid network, guaranteeing consistent correspondence and web access.

10. U1 Chip:
Furnished with the U1 chip, the iPhone 11 hugs Super Wideband (UWB) innovation. This opens up opportunities for exact spatial mindfulness and further developed gadget network, indicating a future where consistent collaborations with the general climate become the standard.

Price of Iphone 11:

Price in Rs: 144,899 PKR

Price in USD: $443.12 USD


Basically, the iPhone 11 isn’t simply a cell phone; it’s a summit of cutting edge innovation, smart plan, and client driven highlights. As clients dig into the universe of the iPhone 11, they set out on an excursion of development, where every particular adds to an unrivaled versatile encounter.

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